Is Outriders Cross-Platform? (PS5, XBOX, Switch)

Is Outriders Cross-Platform?

Outriders have become the talk of the town ever since it was released a few days ago. On every platform, the game has received a great deal of praise from critics and gamers for intense gameplay, role-playing elements, and a focus on third-person action rather than being yet another FPS in the genre.

Not only did the game make everyone forget about Square Enix’s recent failure with Marvel’s Avengers, it’s a direct way for them to make back their recent financial losses.

Of course, it’s 2021 and people no longer buy the same platform to be able to play games with each other. No matter what platform a player is on, they want to be able to seamlessly play the game with their fellow friends on their respective devices. After all, it’s incredibly beneficial for the game to have a player base from every single platform that it’s released on.

This brings up the obvious question – Does Outriders have cross-platform multiplayer or not? – Let’s take a look at the official sources and answer that question.

Outriders Cross-Play Explained

Before we get into the answer itself – let’s briefly explain what cross-play is all about for those who may be unaware of why they hear this word every day.

Cross-play and cross-progression are two important terms that have been becoming more common with eighth and ninth generations of gaming consoles – and their purpose is implied heavily by their names. Cross-play allows players the ability to play the same game on different platforms together, as long as they’re up-to-date on the latest versions of the game on their respective devices.

On the other hand, cross-progression refers to the ability to log onto any console and having your progress get carried on between the devices. There are limitations to both cross-play and cross-generation at times, such as being able to share progress on the same console or being able to play console-to-PC but not between two different brands of consoles.

Fortunately, though, we do have limitless versions of these features too and it entirely depends on whether the specific game that you’re playing allows it or not. So, without spending any more time – let’s get right into the answer to the main question!

Is Outriders Cross-Play?

The answer to this question is – yes. Outriders support cross-play between all of its platforms. That means that PC players can play with console players, and someone on Xbox can play the game with someone on a PlayStation console too. It’s great to be able to game with your friends irrespective of the machine that you own, and Outriders proves itself worthy of being a 2021 game by offering these capabilities because more and more games are switching to cross-platform multiplayer rather than the old infrastructure where you were limited to only one brand.

games like outriders

Outriders is currently available on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X & S, Google Stadia, and PC platforms. With so many different devices – it truly makes one wonder if they can play with their friends on a platform different from theirs.

On the other hand, Outriders does not have proper cross-progression, as you cannot transfer your progress from one platform to another. However, it has a very basic version of this capability which means that you are able to transfer your saved files on the same brand of consoles. For example, you cannot transfer your progress from Xbox to a PlayStation, but you can transfer your save files from a PlayStation 4 to a PlayStation 5.

The cross-progression capabilities can certainly be better, but it beats having nothing at all since a lot of gamers are currently making the switch from eighth-generation consoles to ninth-generation ones – thus why most games at the moment support two consoles with a single digital/physical purchase.

So, there we have it. Outriders have cross-play multiplayer and to a tiny degree, cross-progression capabilities as well.

No matter what platform you’re on, you can hop onto a match immediately and enjoy the game’s amazing co-op multiplayer. We hope that this guide answered your questions, and you can take a stroll on our website to find other helpful articles too!

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