Is World War Z: Aftermath Split-Screen Compatible?

Is World War Z: Aftermath Split Screen Compatible?

World War Z is one of the best co-op zombie shooter games to play with your friends and other people online. In the game, you and your teammate get to experience what it feels like to have the undead chase you down and try to make you their next meal.

You and three other players take on the role of survivors in a post-apocalyptic world who must fight against swarms of zombies to stay alive as long as they can. There are several classes to choose from for the characters you pick, each with its own specialty, as well as weapons and perks to upgrade and use to kill off the undead. 

Like many survival games, your main objective is to eliminate zombies and get to the safe zone in order to level up and progress each episode.

The Aftermath version of World War Z features many popular locations for players to survive in, taking them to places like New York, Tokyo, Jerusalem, Rome, Moscow, and Kamchatka.

Besides the campaign mode, World War Z also offers five exciting competitive multiplayer modes: Player vs. Player vs. Zombie, Horde Mode, Swarm Deathmatch, Swarm Domination, and King of the Hill. This is why it’s natural to want to play the game with your friends on the same screen. 

So, is World War Z: Aftermath Split-Screen compatible? Let’s find out.

Is World War Z: Aftermath Split-Screen?

Is World War Z: Aftermath Split-Screen?

Unfortunately, World War Z: Aftermath is not split-screen compatible. That means you can’t couch co-op with your brother or partner in the game. Split-screen sounds like a good idea because it’s easier to talk to other players and come up with a strategy together.

However, given the number of zombies that show up on the screen at once, it’s understandable why it’s hard to incorporate such a feature. Apart from that, there are competitive modes that allow you to compete against your friends, so it doesn’t make sense if you can see what they’re up to. 

Right now, the only way to play multiplayer in World War Z and World War Z: Aftermath is online. Just make sure everyone has their own consoles so you can invite them to your lobby. Despite how difficult split-screen is to implement, many players still want the feature.

If Left 4 Dead was able to do it, then it’s not a stretch to hope that World War Z does as well. 

So, if any news comes out on a possible split-screen for World War Z in the future, we’ll definitely update this guide. 

World War Z: Aftermath Split-Screen Explained

World War Z: Aftermath Split-Screen Explained

If you don’t know what World War Z: Aftermath split-screen means, let’s take a moment to explain what split-screen gaming is.

In short, split-screen gaming divides your screen for you and other players in the same game. This allows you to explore different areas without staying too close to your friends while still being able to see what they’re up to.

Split-screen is ideal for situations where you have to solve a puzzle or coordinate with each other, as you can execute those strategies better. This kind of co-op was popular back when consoles and video games were more expensive. Instead of having to fight with your brother over who gets to play the Xbox, split-screen multiplayer allows you to play games together as long as you have multiple controllers or a keyboard.

It seems that couch co-op is a thing of the past, even though it was insanely fun in games like Left 4 Dead and Gears of War. However, split-screen isn’t dying yet. Many popular modern games still have features such as A Way Out and Ark: Survival Evolved.

There are three reasons why so few games have split-screen. First, it’s a performance nightmare – adding a split-screen to a game means doubling the graphics, which means you are rendering all the lighting, textures, and items in the same scene twice.

With games that now have 30FPS, ultra-realistic graphics, and larger game worlds, developers have a more difficult time incorporating split-screen into the games they create.

Second, removing the split-screen is financially beneficial to console manufacturers, game developers, and game publishers. This means that everyone has to buy their own console, as well as an individual copy of the game. Of course, not all game developers are greedy, but money is definitely a huge reason for most of them.

Lately, others have argued that video games should be even more expensive.

Third and lastly, not many people like split-screen. Heavily co-op games such as A Way Out don’t seem to sell much compared to a game that doesn’t market itself as a co-op game. Split-screen is just another nice feature to have but not really important.

Simply put, the performance is better.. and who doesn’t want to experience their games in their fullscreen glory? With games now being better looking, it’s only natural to not want to share your screen with someone else.

Where can I play World War Z: Aftermath?

Where can I play World War Z: Aftermath?

You can play World War Z: Aftermath on the PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, and Google Stadia. You can also play World War Z on the Nintendo Switch, but the console currently doesn’t include the ‘Aftermath’ version of the game.

However, the Nintendo Switch did catch up with some new features and includes some of the free DLCs. We’ll keep an eye out and update this article if they release the Aftermath edition on the Nintendo Switch.

World War Z: Aftermath is available for purchase on Steam and the Epic Games Store. Both versions of the game are currently active and are constantly releasing new updates and patches. The Aftermath version includes new characters and new locations.

The Deluxe Edition of World War Z: Aftermath features a bonus weapons pack and more weapons skins. They’re also currently working on a Horde Mode XL as well as next-gen enhancements for the game.

That is all you need to know about World War Z: Aftermath’s split-screen compatibility. If you wish to know whether World War Z: Aftermath has cross-play multiplayer or not, stay tuned for our guide on it!

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