Genshin Impact Qiqi Best Builds, Ascension, Talents, Unlock Guide

Genshin Impact Qiqi Best Builds, Ascension, Talents, Unlock Guide

Qiqi is a five-star healer and a big user of cyro abilities that can heal your teammates so they can fight for longer under challenging battles.

She is a zombie character, and you need to upgrade her talents and character level for the best stats.

Base level Qiqi isn’t capable of doing much, but this features everything you need to know to make her one of the best healers. 

How to unlock Qiqi in Genshin Impact

Although Qiqi is a five-star character, the good news is that she is available in the standard character banner.

There is a fifty percent chance that you will get it for each try at the character banner, so you may have to try your luck at the banner various times. 

Qiqi Ascension Materials

To farm the Shivada Jade Silver in Genshin Impact, defeat the Cyro regisvine boss or the lupus boreas boss. These monsters all drop all the other versions of the shivada jade material.

Experts advise you to prefer the Cyro regisvine boss as it drops other materials, including the hoarfrost core. 

You can collect the base versions of most of the materials given below and upgrade them at a crafting table to avoid all that farming. Violet grasses are available in Qingce village and Mingyun village.

You can hit samachurls a few times to get the driving scroll or upgrade it at the crafting table. The second option is to kill samachurls again and again to get materials. 

  • 1x Shivada Jade Sliver
  • 9x Shivada Jade Fragment
  • 9x Shivada Jade Chunk
  • 6x Shivada Jade Gemstone
  • 46x Hoarfrost Core
  • 168x Violetgrasss
  • 18x Divining Scroll
  • 30x Sealed Scroll
  • 36x Forbidden Curse Scroll.

Qiqi Talent Materials

Get the crown of insight by upgrading the shrine tree in the Inazuma region to the maximum level or taking part in special Genshin Impact events.

Make to keep some extra dream solvent in your bag as you will need it at the crafting table and base tier items to upgrade them to high tiers. For the tail of boreas, complete the wolf of the north weekly challenge.

Below are an exact number of items that you need to fully upgrade all the talents of Qiqi to their maximum level. 

  • 9x Teachings of Prosperity
  • 63x Guide to Prosperity
  • 114x Philosophies of Prosperity
  • 18x Divining Scroll
  • 30x Sealed Scroll
  • 36x Forbidden Curse Scroll
  • 18x Tail of Boreas
  • 3x Crown of Insight.

Best Genshin Impact Qiqi Build

There is a big difference in the performance of Qiqi with and without the right weapons and artifacts, so below are the most compatible artifacts and weapons to boost the stats of your character.

Qiqi Best Weapons

For those who want to become a healer, summit shaper is a five-star weapon that will increase the strength of their shields by twenty percent.

Go to the weapon banner and spend Primogems until you get it to get the summit shaper. It also increases attack by four percent, and you can stack this effect up to five times for a maximum of twenty percent attack boost. 

If you are looking for a weapon with an attack bonus and physical damage bonus, Aquila favonia is a five-star weapon crafted for you. You can use the unique effect of this weapon after fifteen seconds, but it’s worth the wait, especially with that two hundred damage done to nearby enemies. 

For a hybrid build of cyro and healing effects, a skyward blade is recommended by experts. Use the elemental burst attack of the skyward blade to get a ten percent attack and character speed boost. 

Qiqi Best Artifacts

The beloved maiden set is the perfect choice to complete your Qiqi healer build as it increases the effectiveness of healing your character by fifteen percent.

You can effortlessly regenerate all the health in seconds with the right Qiqi build for high-level bosses and other end-game content that deals a lot of damage. 

The tenacity of the millelith set boosts the overall HP and attack stats of all the nearby teammates by twenty percent. If any of your teammates is equipped with a shield, its strength will be increased by thirty percent for three seconds only.

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